Saturday, 26 July 2014

Malicious Attack with IOS Device Local Storage

In our previous blog post “Pentesting with iPhone without Jailbreak” we gave you an overview of software named iFunbox as well as how to access the local storage of any application. In today’s blog post we shall expand on that and we will show you how to leverage that technique and perform a malicious attack.
Access the local storage of the application (if you want to know how to access it kindly refer to our previous post.)
Image 1 - Applications on the Device

Image 2- Files in Local Storage

Now when an attacker gets access to this local storage he can upload any malicious content into the storage. Also any desired changes to the content of the application can be done. And with the help of the software (ifunbox) we can push the content back into the device. So when a user opens the application the malicious content will also be loaded along with the application. 

Let us take a scenario in which an application stores certain offline webpages for faster loading of its application. Now an attacker who has the access to the local storage can insert malicious JavaScript into these pages and push (use the option “Copy from PC” in the ifunbox) the application back into the phone. Now whenever a user runs that application the JavaScript’s will also run and in this way he can take control of the device. 
Image-3 Java Script is loaded when the application is opened
The above image shows a cross site scripting attack we performed on an application by exploiting application's local storage. The interesting thing here is that all the applications store something in local storage i.e. offline pages, images, sensitive data etc. Hence there is lot for an attacker to exploit. Also one might think that in terms of security the device is pin locked and fingerprint locked but sadly these attacks would even work if the device was protected with such security mechanisms.

To curb such attacks the most important thing one could do to safe guard would be “Keep your phone with you at all times ;-)” .

Note:- All the changes are to be made outside the  ".app" folder.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Pentesting Iphone without “Jailbreak”

I would like to thank everyone for appreciating our first blog post and sending us positive feedback. As promised in the previous blog here we shall discuss a step by step guide on pentesting an iPhone without jail breaking the device. Now going straight to business following are the things that you shall need before performing these steps.
  • An Apple Device(iPod, iPhone, iPad)
  • A Computer
  • Itunes installed on the computer
  • Device drivers installed
  • USB cable to connect the device
  • iFunBox application installed on the computer (
Before moving ahead I would like to thank the Team at “iFunBox” for creating such a wonderful application.
Moving ahead are the steps:


  • Connect your apple device to desired computer/machine
  • After connecting the device open the iFunBox application on the machine

If the device is properly attached and the drivers are installed the ifunbox application will show the device along with its name. In this case we are using “Ipad2”.
The left hand side panel will show all the applications which are installed on the device. Also one of the things to notice is if the device is not Jail Broken then after the device name it will show “Jailed”. The image below will give you an clear idea about it.

  • From the list of applications select the application which you want to pentest.
  • Right Click on that application and select the option copy to my PC.

  • After selecting the option the files of the respective application will be copied locally to the desired location.
  • And we are ready to test the application.

All this data can be analyzed with various available tools such a SQL lite browser.
Note-:  In an Iphone application unlike Andriod there is no such manifest file which will give information about the permissions that have been granted/taken by an installed application Now this is a very trivial information if known can be very useful .Now to get this answer Ifunbox has an inbuilt feature which will allow us to get these answers. One just needs to right click on the application and an option of “App inspection” will appear.  On clicking that the above said outcome will be presented. Below are the images for the same to give you a better understanding.

The above images show the permissions which each application has been given.
So here we conclude this topic and we hope you find this information useful. Looking forward to receive feedback from all of you.

P.S. – Our next blog post will be a new IOS exploit ;-) (more details in the next blog-post)

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Pentesting android without “Root”

Over the past year the number of mobile applications that we have been pentesting  are on the rise and it certainly seems that the future is going towards mobile technology. During the penetration testing one of the prerequisites that we faced was to “Root” the device in order to test certain local storage features and as well key features of an application. Rooting a device can turn out to be to a daunting task itself (am sure many of you would agree to this) especially if you are new to this field or if you are running the latest version of an operating system for e.g. A device running on Kitkat 4.4.2 and for many other such reasons it was turning out to be a difficult task.

Hence we at security theorem decided to get our hands dirty and find a way around this. And  Taadaaaaa….. we certainly found a solution for this and we are happy to share this with the community. Below is a step by step guide on how to perform penetration testing without rooting:

Note: - Lot of applications these days have Mobile Device Management(MDM) systems built into them which check for the safety of the application if the device is “Rooted” or not. If the device is found to be “Rooted” then the application would not install/function properly. In such scenario this method of penetration testing becomes extremely useful and gives successful output.

Things you will need :

  • An Andriod device
  • A Computer
  • USB Cable
  • Device Drivers installed on the pc
  • ADB installed on the pc. ( if you do not have ADB you can find it at ‎ )
  • Andriod Backup Extractor ( )

I hope now you have all the above things in place, so here we go :

Connect the device to the computer & Turn on USB debugging from the device settings
Open Command prompt and type the following command : adb devices

If the device is correctly attached and drivers are installed then you shall see the result as above. The above image gives us a confirmation of our device being attached.


In this step we shall find the package (Application) that we want to test.
Enter the command : adb shell pm list packages

This will list all the applications that are installed on the device and from this list we can pick out desired package.


Now backup the application that is needed to be tested
Enter the following command : adb backup -noapk
It should be noted that  “com.andriod.providers.settings ” has to be replaced by the name of the application which we want to test.

After the command the below screen will appear on your device. Select the option “Back up my data”

Here you can also backup your data in encrypted form by giving a password.  The backup shall be created in the same directory with “.ab” extension.


Now with the help of ADB extractor we shall extract our backup file.
Apply the following command to the “backup.ab” file : java -jar abe.jar info backup.ab [password]
It should be noted that if a password was given at the time of backup it should be mentioned in the above command.


The file which is now generated is not in readable format hence shall now unpack our backup file
Enter the following command :  java -jar abe.jar unpack backup.ab [password]

The image below shows the zip file being created.

Now we can unzip the file to view it contents.

The images below show the content of the unzipped files.

These files can be analyzed through various pentesting tools such as sql lite browser.
In our next series of post we shall be talking about how to pentest an Iphone Application without jail breaking the device.
Hope you found this useful and you can leave your comments or suggests down below or you can reach us at for any queries.